I love cooking! My mom was always cooking amazing meals for us growing up, and I like to think I got my love for it from her. I remember really starting to learn how to cook once I was in college, living alone for the first time. I lucked out going to HSU because the access in Humboldt County to GREAT ingredients from local farms is really really really something else. The Arcata Farmer’s Market is one incredible example of how rich we are. Plus our Co-ops focus on carrying local product/meats/grains/etc.
I’m sharing my basic recipe of the weekly ramen that I make. It’s one of those comfort meals for me, when I can’t figure out what to make I immediately start grabbing the ingredients outta the fridge for this meal. My whole family LOVES it. I usually make a broth big enough to last for another ramen (sometimes breakfast ramen, yum I love breakfast soup). This recipe is easily adaptable, you could add bean sprouts, ground pork, corn, tofu, onion, seaweed, thinly sliced cabbage, the sky really is the limit. You can take ingredients out and go simple. Sometimes, I just do the broth + noods with tofu. It’s whatever I have the in the fridge/pantry and energy/time for. So, use this as a loose guide, use the ingredients you have, and let me know what you think!
Ramen for two:
Little bit of oil for sautéing (whatever oil you love)
1/4-1/2 in nob of fresh ginger, peeled and minced or micro-planed (i loveeeeee a loooooot of ginger, so I do even more)
2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
1 carrot, chopped into half moons
Biggg handful of spinach
Chili Paste/Chili Oil/Chili Crunch (you don’t have to use a lot but this flavor does really add to the overall deliciousness)
Chicken Bone Broth or Veggie stock (You can use water + Bouillion too)
2 TBS Miso Paste (I really like a dark miso, it has great depth of flavor)
Ramen Noodles - Soba (buckwheat) noodles have been my go to lately
Toasted Sesame Oil
Green Onions, sliced
Nutritional Yeast
Grab a sauce pan enough to fit liquid, turn burner to low
Coat the bottom of pan with a thin layer of oil
Add in 1-2 TBS of Chili Paste for a second
Add finely minced Garlic and Ginger to pot to bloom
After about 1 minute add in chopped carrots to saute (or any other veggies you want!)
Cover with 4 or so cups of broth and let simmer until veg is tender (add more liquid if you’re wanting a brothy-er ramen, or you want leftovers), sometimes I’ll add a little water here too if it doesn’t look liquid-y enough
Add in ramen noodles and cook until done, turn off heat
Add in a biiiiiiig handful of spinach, cover pot and let sit and cook in hot broth
In each bowl add 1 heaping TBS of miso paste and ladle a little broth into bowl. Whisk paste into broth (doing this instead of adding it to the big pot of bubbling broth ensures the yummy probiotics in the miso don’t get boiled)
Serve ramen and top with a drizzle of toasted sesame oil, nutritional yeast, green onions and kimchi (I love gamasio too)
Side note: This InstantPot chicken has been our go to protein we add in our ramen bowls. Made separately in the Instantpot as the ramen is being made! My bestie Saige made this for me once, and I have been HOOKED ever since! It’s also great with rice + roasted broccoli or rice + cucumber salad! You get the idea. :)
1 pack of boneless skinless chicken thighs
Tamari (enough to coat the bottom of the instantpot well)
1 inch Fresh Ginger (micro-planed or minced) (I do more like 2-3 inches of fresh ginger)
4-5 cloves Fresh Garlic (micro-planed or minced)
2-3 TBS Honey
1-2 TBS Chili Paste (more if you like it spicy spicy)
Juice of 1 lime
Cover bottom of insta pot with Tamari. Add in ginger, garlic, honey, chili paste, + lime and whisk it all up
Add chicken to pot
Turn on insta pot to high and pressure cook 35 min, let pressurize, open instant and shred up the meat. Let it sit in the tamari juices and soak it all upppp. You’re welcome. :)
I hope you’re well, I hope you’re cozy!
Let me know if you have any questions or you make the ramen!!!