R O O T , R I S E .

F A R M + A P O T H E C A R Y

Creating Beauty Throughout Our Days by Ysabel Free

Jessica BrownComment

Ysabel and I met because we both live in Petrolia! She is the sweetest soul and such a nourishing presence. We have spent lovely times together in women’s circles, and she’s helped me on the farm, harvesting blooms and herbs for Root, Rise. We share a lot of the same interests and I’m so grateful she has written a post on the beauty in mindfulness throughout our day. This is something I am intentionally working on at the moment. While I am in one task, or one meal, or sipping my water, etc etc, to really BE there. Paying attention to the sensations, dropping into my parasympathetic nervous system with a big belly breath and being with it. I can be enjoying the task or not! But allowing myself to feel it all, and breathe. I’ve learned a lot about myself in these recent times of mindfulness, and it’s helping me to grow in new ways.

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy!

As the days have become shorter and the air colder I find my daily rituals are more and more important; bringing me back into my self, my individuality, my grounded nature. A practice that I love is consciously creating beauty throughout my days, moments that feel like art and staying present in those moments. Adding a little sparkle and romance to the mundane. For me this leads to more confidence, inspiration, creativity and fulfillment. All of the good stuff. So I picked out some of my favorite things that I like to do throughout a day to help me feel this way. 

First of all, I believe that feeling good in the space you live is foundational. I love interior design and the first thing I do when arriving to a new space is move things around and make it feel inspiring. Even if you have housemates and are not in full control of the main spaces around you, I encourage you to make your room beautiful, and beautiful in your eyes as there are many variations.


I love to wake up and take a moment. Waking up in silky soft white sheets and fluffy warm bedding makes me feel like a queen. Remembering my dreams, taking a moment for gratitude and thinking of something I am looking forward to is a really sweet way to begin the next sun cycle. Also feeling into the cozy stillness, putting a hand on my heart and the other on my belly and taking some deep belly breaths. Starting the day with intention.

I always make the time to have a cup of tea. I recently discovered my love for sweet camomile, there is something so light and elegant about it. I enjoy drinking one herb at a time and really feeling it. To make this ritual even better I put on a warm jacket and have my tea outside. Keeping my mind quite I feel the cold on my cheeks, warm tea on my lips, the breeze touch and move through my body. The fresh air, hot tea, morning birds chirping combination is pretty much heaven. 


Herbal oil massage is one of my favorite rituals. There is a full Abhyanga Blog post already on Root, Rise if you want to be taken along on a beautiful sequence. I love to warm up some oil and start at my feet, going all the way up to my face, giving love to each part of my body. I massage and use a tool called a Gua sha, a Gua sha is a scraping tool you use on your skin to increase circulation and blood flow. During my studies in Ayurveda I discovered the incredible value of taking care of our lymphatic systems. Taking the time to massage, connect with and love our bodies is such radical self care; I always feel soothed and balanced after.

Cooking is one of my greatest passions. I try to bring slowness and intention into at least one meal a day. If I am preparing food only for myself I often throw something fast and easy together, yet I’ve found the magic is in taking time. Preparing food feels ancient in my body, a dance, a remembering. It is intimate and special, creating nourishment that will fuel my body and the ones I love around me. A recipe that I love, and that is comforting in the winter, is sweet potato and veggie lentil dahl. I love one pot stews and soups, where you slowly add more and more and stir and stir.. infusing your love into it as you go. 

The Recipe:

1 tbsp sunflower oil

1 onion (about 1 cup)

4 cloves garlic (minced)

tbsp fresh ginger (finely minced)

1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 tsp coriander seeds

1/2 tsp mustard seeds

2 tsp ground turmeric

1 (2-inch) cinnamon stick 

1 sweet potato 

2 medium sized carrots 

1/2 heads broccoli or whatever veggie you fancy

1 cup red lentils (rinsed)

1 40z can crushed tomatoes (you could also use fresh)

1 14oz can full fat coconut milk 

2 cups veggie or bone broth

salt and pepper to taste 

cilantro and lemon juice to garnish 

To start the fragrant pot of deliciousness, heat oil in a pot over medium heat. Add your onion and let it become translucent, add your garlic and ginger and cook a few more minutes. Grind your cumin, coriander and mustard seeds gently in a mortar and pestle, add to your pot along with your ground turmeric. Its time to add your diced sweet potato, carrots and broccoli and red lentils. Let them saute in your beautiful pot of spices for a moment and then add your tomatoes, coconut milk and broth. Let everything simmer and alchemize for about 15-20 minutes on medium/low heat, stirring occasionally. When done add salt and pepper to taste. Place in your favorite bowl and add some lemon juice and cilantro to garnish. 

This night I also made Raita, a cooling side dish that pairs nicely with dahl. To make this simply mix 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup chopped cucumber, 2 tbsp fresh cilantro, 1 stalk green onion, 1/4 tsp ground cumin and a littler bit of salt together.  


Last but far from least, an evening shower. Taking 10 minutes at the end of the day to bask in hot water. I love to light a candle nearby and put on Norah Jones or the romantic jazz station on Spotify. It feels wonderful to wash clean at the end of the day, relax into the night and dance around a little. Enjoying the low ambient light, feeling where the water touches your skin, letting your body go and relaxing your belly completely. Being with your nakedness, feeling your sensuous being, your wildness and softness. Connecting back into you. 


It’s all these little moments in our days that we can so easily make more special. By lighting a candle, putting some flowers in a vase, putting on a song that fills you with joy.  Romancing ourselves in the ways we desire. I hope this has sparked a seed for you to create moments of pleasure and sweetness, ones that fill you up and feel like you are living a life of art. 

Thank you so much Ysabel for your heartfelt post on how we can find beauty in the little moments.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below or reach out to Ysabel through instagram at @ysabelfree