R O O T , R I S E .

F A R M + A P O T H E C A R Y

What is a hydrosol?

Jessica BrownComment

The subtle, yet potent magic of pure plant hydrosols bottled straight from our lush garden.


Let’s talk hydrosols

What is a hydrosol?

This is one of my favorite questions.

It’s alchemy, baby. Simply put, it’s the collection of the steam (water) that has gone through and steamed the plant material, extracting the specific plant’s components/magic. In this steam lives volatile oils, essential oils, the plants immune system, sunshine, moon glow, everything that specific plant experienced, etc etc which are released through distillation in my alembic copper still.

With every drop we are able to experience the wholeness of the plant.

Think about it, the plant goes through a LOT in it’s life, from the moment I seeded it in the Spring to when I harvest it all Summer long. I am basically bottling just that. Isn’t that incredible? Every intricate detail is included…a pest got into the tulsi patch, well then, the tulsi used all of its energy to fight it off, that immune response, is in the hydrosol. All of the full moons and sunny days shining on the plant, it’s in the hydrosol. The delicious water it drank in it’s lifetime, it’s in the hydrosol. Maybe a bee left behind a little pollen, that too is included.

You know what’s also amazing? Our body, skin, spirit recognizes and resonates with things in water form. It’s one our most accessible tools for wellness. Water extracts medicine from plants so that we can best access it. Think of a cuppa rich and vibrant green nettle tea. Tea is truly one of the best ways to take in the goodness herbs have to offer us. Hot tip: make sure you’re covering your brewing tea, to hold in that steam full of medicinal qualities! Side note: my tea blend is so so soon to launch, I promise!So, to simplify it once again, the hydrosols are plant/flower water, collected through steam distillation in our gorgeous copper still (pictured below). Our systems greet each soft spritz of a hydrosol with a warm welcome, making this aromatherapy and self care practice efficient and harmonious to our wellbeing.

Every bottle has the salty Lost Coast wind...the rich and dark soil of this land.

How do I use a Hydrosol?

In short all of the ways! Hydrosols work on an energetic level (think aromatherapy and how certain smells are calming for you). They also work on a skin level, helping in different ways such as to moisturize, tone, or calm the skin, among many other things.

Moisturizer - use after your face has been cleansed of dirt/build up, right before you add an oil or cream (sun beam or moon butter). Water and oil create the perfect combination to reeeally deeply moisten. So with a face dampened by hydrosol, go straight to moisturizer, let sit and voila. You can even spritz after the application of moisturizer to lock it all in. Use throughout the day if feeling dry!

Toner - Certain herbs have an astringent quality to them, helping them to draw and tone the skin. Beloved Yarrow is wonderful at this, which makes its way into Empower and Radiance. Rosemary is another astringent herb which makes its way into Ascend.

Mood Enhancer - We can palpably feel the intensity of 2020, let’s go ahead and let the plants support us. Lavender supports our mood like a big warm long hug. Tulsi is warming, soothing for the soul. Let lavender and tulsi embrace you in the Empower blend. Chamomile and calendula soothe frazzled nerves in the Radiance blend. Rosemary and Lemon Verbena are invigorating and uplifting when feeling down in the Ascend blend. Clary sage is wonderful at brightening the mood.

Overall Wellbeing Support - Here is a tip: the hydrosol that smells best to you is the one you should be using. Simply put, the hydrosols that smell good to you are going to work best, because they bring you joy. Your response elicits a reaction that your whole being is going to respond to on a biological and energetic level. If you don’t like the smell of something, don’t use it!

Keep a bottle of hydrosol close to ensure use! I keep Empower and Radiance in my bathroom for my skincare rituals, Ascend by my computer for screen fatigue, some in the fridge for a cooling effect on a hot work day! The Clary Sage is amazing for meditation practice. There’s really no wrong way to use them, just try your best to keep them in a cool/dark place, out of direct sunlight so they last!
