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- Lavender Hydrosol
Lavender Hydrosol

Lavender Hydrosol
I’ve bottled my favorite purple field on our farm for you.
A soothing, hydrating, and regenerative hydrosol for your beautiful skin. A sweet hug for your soul.
This mist will leave you feeling embraced and calm. It smells of fresh linens. It’s cozy like a warm blanket. Imagine being wrapped in the softest most nourishing hug.
Our lovely hydrosols are steam distilled in our beautiful copper still with vibrant homegrown herbs.
What is a Hydrosol?
Hydro, meaning water. Sol, meaning solution.
In the most basic sense a hydrosol is a distilled plant or flower water. I use my copper still to create steam that flows upwards through whichever plant I am distilling. The water vapors rise and spiral back down through the condenser to cool and form back into liquid. The steam naturally extracts water-soluble components, essential oil molecules and the magic of the fresh plant. In each bottle, you may see little dots of oils, those are the essential oils. Instead of separating them out to bottle as E.O’s I leave them in for you to enjoy!
How do you use a Hydrosol?
In short, all the ways! The list is quite endless. My favorite way is as a face toner and hydrator. They are wonderful in foot baths, compresses, clay face masks, cream/lotion making, eye pads, etc. They can be used for depression, anxiety, burns, scrapes, headaches, sinus congestion, eczema, acne, sensitive skin, etc.
If you love to read/go in depth, check out this blog post on Hydrosols!
4 oz bottle of pure steam distilled Lavender Hydrosol with some natural occurring essential oils
I’ve bottled my favorite purple field on our farm for you.
A soothing, hydrating, and regenerative hydrosol for your beautiful skin. A sweet hug for your soul.
This mist will leave you feeling embraced and calm. It smells of fresh linens. It’s cozy like a warm blanket. Imagine being wrapped in the softest most nourishing hug.
Our lovely hydrosols are steam distilled in our beautiful copper still with vibrant homegrown herbs.
What is a Hydrosol?
Hydro, meaning water. Sol, meaning solution.
In the most basic sense a hydrosol is a distilled plant or flower water. I use my copper still to create steam that flows upwards through whichever plant I am distilling. The water vapors rise and spiral back down through the condenser to cool and form back into liquid. The steam naturally extracts water-soluble components, essential oil molecules and the magic of the fresh plant. In each bottle, you may see little dots of oils, those are the essential oils. Instead of separating them out to bottle as E.O’s I leave them in for you to enjoy!
How do you use a Hydrosol?
In short, all the ways! The list is quite endless. My favorite way is as a face toner and hydrator. They are wonderful in foot baths, compresses, clay face masks, cream/lotion making, eye pads, etc. They can be used for depression, anxiety, burns, scrapes, headaches, sinus congestion, eczema, acne, sensitive skin, etc.
If you love to read/go in depth, check out this blog post on Hydrosols!
4 oz bottle of pure steam distilled Lavender Hydrosol with some natural occurring essential oils